Workshop Performance Management
Pullman Hotel Darclee Room
10 Montreal Square
Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 9.00
Participants: maximum 40/session
Our fee: 90 Euro/attendee
The workshop is addressed to human resources professionals aiming to implement a performance management system in the company, or to bring improvements to the actual system. The workshop will approach subjects as: performance management process, performance measurement, process’ stages, the process automation, case studies.
We will discuss the evaluation process in Romanian companies, best practice, we invite you to share your experience, in order to find efficient and practical solutions.
In order to present a concrete and complex system for measuring performance we invited Otto Broker de Asigurare and they will share with us their internal performance management processes, what has been proven to be efficient and what is considered to be area for improvement.
Facilitator of the workshop „Performance Management” is Cristina Simion, Operations & Communications Manager at Romanian Software. Cristina has 10 years of experience in HR field and 7 years of experience in consultancy field, period in which offered solutions to human resources professionals from all sectors. Cristina is actively involved in delivery of customized trainings, workshops and seminars in labour legislation, individual taxation and human resources processes field.
The amount of money raised will be donated to Inocenti Foundation for helping children from School failure prevention program that Romanian Software supports within the social responsibility campaign 2013-2014.
Please send your confirmation for attendance to the workshop at the following address: with the details: Attendee Name/Surname, Company, e-mail address
Should you have further queries regarding the workshop, please contact Cristina Simion at the address
Welcome coffee
Ice breaker
Performance management system
Best practice
Legislative requirements
Performance management system stages
Group activity
Coffee break
Case study Otto Broker
Performance management system integration with other HR processes
Reward system
Learning and development system
Talent management
Q&A session
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal