Romanian Software presents “Benefits packages optimization” session at HR Partner meeting from April 2013
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 we are expecting you at the new HR Club premises from 16A Popa Rusu Street, were we will hold an one hour session within HR Partner meeting and we will speak about the benefits packages optimization.
Romanian Software speaker at the event is Cristina Simion, Operations & Communications Manager, with 10 years of experience in human resources field and over 8 years of expertise on labour legislation and taxation, achieved within the consultancy practice, assisting companies across all sectors. Cristina will talk about the employer possibility, through their human resources departments, to find the best methods to motivate their employees with limited resources, by granting tax exempted benefits or benefits with certain fiscal facilities.
We invite you to join other human resources professionals that are interested in benefits packages cost cutting methods and also to share with us the best practices in your companies.
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal