Class IT outsources payroll and personnel administration practices to Romanian Software
Romanian Software and Class IT built a solid, based on mutual trust partnership and continues to bring benefits on both sides. Starting with the month of June, Class IT outsourced the payroll and personnel administration practice to Romanian Software.
As developer of the human resources software platform, Romanian Software offers to Class IT the time, personnel and document management software solutions, in order to support HR activities, streamlining the processes with no extra cost.
For over 10 years of experience in human resources field, the software platform developed and constantly improved for hundreds of beneficiaries; flexible and efficient solutions, adapted to the beneficiaries’ particularities were offered. This way, Romanian Software has a wide perspective towards the payroll and personnel administration practices, to which we add our consultants’ expertise on individual taxation and labour legislation fields.
Class IT benefits of the Romanian Software platform assistance with the payroll and personnel administration processes and benefits of the expertise of our well informed consultants, assuring the compliance with the legislation in force, being as well proactive and preoccupied to find the best tailored solutions for the client. Class IT will be able to focus its resources towards strategic business activities.
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal