Adjustments brought to certain fiscal statements provided by the Tax Code at the Title III
The OPANAF no. 476 / 2013 for modifying OPANAF no. 52 / 2012 for approving the model and the content of certain fiscal statements provided by the Tax Code, at the Title III, has been published in the Official Gazette no. 244 from 29 April 2013.
The Order modifies the following fiscal statements:
- Form 221 ”Statement regarding the incomes obtained from agricultural activities imposed based on income norms”
- Form 230 ”Request regarding the destination of the amount representing up to 2% from the annual income tax and the deduction of the saving expenses performed for the collective system in the housing domain”
- Form 260 ”Statement regarding anticipated payments representing income tax / health insurance contribution and the liabilities representing social security contribution”
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